Realization of Innovative Services on the Example of the Implementation of the Project Management System


  • Jacek Strojny Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Management



organizational innovations, project management, implementation services, human capital, knowledge-based economy


The article presents the issues of innovation, providing an example of the implementation of the project management system. Aspects related to this issue were brought to the external context, i.e., the development of a knowledge-based economy. Its significant impact - resulting in pressure on inno environment, companies must be increasingly involved in the implementation of organizational innovations. One of the examples of such activities is an execution of project orientation. This type of change introduces new conditions of work through the use of comprehensive solutions for: organizational structure, HR management techniques or techniques of planning and controlling tasks. Project oriented organization is more flexible, effective and efficient. In addition, it meets the needs of customers and other stakeholders better, which affects positively the ability to compete. In Poland in many industries the implementation of project orientation can be still treated as innovation on the industry sector scale, affecting the increase of the competitive potential. Along with the spread of this type of solutions, the level of innovation falls; however, for entrepreneurships such implementation should be treated as a radical change, which is to meet the criteria of innovation in accordance with the approach adopted in the Oslo manual. It seems that the implementation of a project management system can still be treated as a highly innovative, especially in the relation to the Polish research and development institutions, among others.


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Author Biography

Jacek Strojny, Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Management

Jacek Strojny, Ph.D., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Management.

The author is an academic employee of the Faculty of Management at Rzeszow University of Technology. He specializes in issues of company reorganization, including implementation of the ma­nagement systems based on the project/task orientation. He also works with companies and public institutions, running trainings and implementation of project management systems, payroll systems and modern, based on management by objectives methods of strategic management.


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How to Cite

Strojny, J. (2013). Realization of Innovative Services on the Example of the Implementation of the Project Management System. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 21, 378–389.