The Role of Experience Economy in the Postmodern Interpretation of Market Trends in Tourism and in the Creation of Contemporary Tourism Products


  • Michał Żemła Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie Wydział Geograficzno-Biologiczny Instytut Geografii



experience economy, heritage interpretation, LARP, postmodernism, tourism product


The paper deals with the concept of experience economy as one of the most important attempts at presenting the postmodern view of current economy. This concept is obviously a very promising theory to be implemented on tourism market. Tourism product is often defined as a tourist’s experience connected with spending time in a particular place, which underlines the key role of consumers’ experiences in that particular market. This link between experience economy and tourism market is presented in the literature mainly by pointing out common theoretical elements, and papers presenting examples of achievements of experience economy on tourism market are relatively rare. The paper presents concepts of heritage interpretation and LARP logic as examples of effective actions increasing the quality of experiences of tourists consuming products being present on the market often for many years. The aim of the paper is discussion of opportunities of usage of stated concepts in creation of tourism products in accordance to the rules presented in experience economy.


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Author Biography

Michał Żemła, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie Wydział Geograficzno-Biologiczny Instytut Geografii

Michał Żemła, Ph.D., associate professor in Department of Tourism and Regional Studies, Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Cracow. He conducts his research in the field of tourism, with particular interest in tourism destinations development. In his publication the author uses different economic concepts, such as: Porter’s concept of clusters, Pine and Gilmore’s concept of experience economy or destination stakeholder cooperation.


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How to Cite

Żemła, M. (2017). The Role of Experience Economy in the Postmodern Interpretation of Market Trends in Tourism and in the Creation of Contemporary Tourism Products. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 31(3), 7–16.