Changes in the Structure of Industry in Poland in the Years 1990-2014 – Conditions and Trends


  • Krzysztof Sala Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie Wydział Humanistyczny Instytut Politologii



competitiveness, development, industry, innovation, structural changes


Abstract: The aim and the subject of the article is to present the role of change and transformation in the industrialstructure of economy in Poland. The publication is based on the available printed literature, statisticaldata, as well as on news netography. The article briefly explains the changes in the industrial developmentin Poland from the 1990s to the present day. The scale of the changes that have occurred was determined, andthe key areas of transformations that have taken place were discusses. The publication also includes informationon current tasks of industrial policy and on the challenges facing said policy due to the involvement in theEuropean Union structures. It also identifies the most innovative sectors of industry or companies that representthem. The size of investment in industry in Poland was compared to other European countries. Changesin the foreign trade were characterised. The data were illustrated with tables and graphs. The research methodused is the analysis of existing data and critical analysis of written sources. Based on the available literaturebook, netography and statistics, it becomes clear that in recent years there has been a significant changein the structure of industry in Poland. However, the actual process is not finished and will continue. Throughpresenting statistical data analysis and available materials relating to industrial policy, the author evaluatesthe changes that have occurred, and indicates possible directions of improving the current situation.


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Author Biography

Krzysztof Sala, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie Wydział Humanistyczny Instytut Politologii

Krzysztof Sala, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Political Science.He graduated from International Economic Relations at the Cracow University of Economics with an MAthesis entitled “Realization of the sustainable development policy in Scandinavian”, He completed postgraduatestudies in quality management and environmental protection in the Higher School of Management andBanking in Cracow and the College of the Management and Finance of the Main Commercial School in Warsawwith a Ph.D. in economic sciences and dissertation entitled “New types of tourism as the indication ofpost-modernism of behaviours of consumers in Poland”. He has experience in hands-on economics as a resultof his professional career including management positions. He has gained teaching experience in poth publicand private establishements. He has participated as a coach in tourism and management courses financedby the EU as part of the “ Human Capital” programme. The main areas of his interest include economic andtourism policy of Poland and the European Union, enterpreneurship in small and medium sized companies,and strategic management.


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How to Cite

Sala, K. (2017). Changes in the Structure of Industry in Poland in the Years 1990-2014 – Conditions and Trends. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 30(3), 114–126.

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