Contemporary conditions for the development of chain hotels in Poland – introduction to the functioning of large tourist enterprises


  • Krzysztof Sala Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
  • Daniel Szostak Uniwersytet Szczeciński



Hospitality belongs to one of the world’s oldest and continuously functioning service sectors, the origin of which dates back to antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Like entities in other sectors, hospitality companies can function and often operate independently or within networks that trigger synergistic effects. The publication aims to present the current situation and forecasts for chain hospitality in Poland in the context of, among others, the military conflict in Ukraine and the post-pandemic period. Foreign and domestic hotel chains and operators active in the Polish tourism market were considered for the publication. The research hypothesis is as follows: In Poland, chain hospitality constantly develops despite unfavourable external factors affecting the domestic and incoming tourist traffic volume. These factors include the effects of the pandemic, economic recession, inflation and a significant influx of immigrants in connection with the war in Ukraine. The research methods include analysing the existing data and literary criticism. The article uses compact materials, statistical data and netography. The research results positively verify the thesis. The motives for choosing the publication theme were the author’s academic interests and the lack of literature in this area


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Author Biographies

Krzysztof Sala, Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie

Krzysztof Sala, PhD, research assistant, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, Institute of Law, Economy and Administration, Department of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. A graduate of International Economic Relations (specialisation in European Studies) at the Cracow University of Economics (MA), post-graduate studies in quality management and environmental protection at the School of Manage- ment and Banking in Krakow and the College of Management and Finance School of Economics in Warsaw, leading to a doctoral degree in economic sciences. He has experience in business practice, including manage- rial positions, and in scientific and teaching work gained at public and private institutions. He participated as a coach in the EU-funded training under the Human Capital Programme. His main interests include economic policy and tourism in Poland and the European Union, small and medium-sized business entrepreneurship, and strategic management.


Daniel Szostak, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Daniel Szostak, PhD, the University of Szczecin, Institute of Spatial Management and Socio-Economic Geogra- phy. Doctor of economics (University of Szczecin), specialisation: economics of services, marketing in tourism; doctoral thesis on the use of telecommunications services in the marketing activities of hotel enterprises. Lecturer at many universities in Szczecin, primarily the University of Szczecin, as well as the University of European Integration, the West Pomeranian University of Technology, the University of Public Administration, and the University of Banking in Szczecin. He has over twenty years of experience in consulting and advising on the functioning of tourism and hotel management in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and as an academic teacher in the field of tourism and hotel management. Lecturer, among others the following academic subjects: Marketing of tourist services, Operation of a tourist enterprise, Hotel management, Hotel management, Hotel networks and systems, Planning and financing of tourism development, Creation of tourist products, Tourism and recreational development. He is the author of several dozen articles, publications and textbooks on the functioning of hotel enterprises, the hotel industry, and spatial planning in tourism. For several years, he worked as a specialist in assessing applications related to EU co-financing of tourist and hotel investments at the West Pomeranian Marshal’s Office. Author and co-author of many studies on tourism development planning at the local and regional level (municipalities, counties and voivodeships). Active participant in many industry meetings, seminars and conferences in the field of tourism.



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How to Cite

Sala, K., & Szostak, D. (2024). Contemporary conditions for the development of chain hotels in Poland – introduction to the functioning of large tourist enterprises. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 38(1), 27–42.

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