The Use of EU Structural Funds in Companies of Małopolska region as a Factor in the Development of an Economy Based on Knowledge and Innovation


  • Dorota Murzyna Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie



knowledge-based economy, cohesion policy, EU structural funds, SIMIK


This article aims to analyze the use of EU structural funds by the enterprises from Małopolskaregion in the context of building an economy based on knowledge and innovation. Enterprises are oneof the main actors to build an economy based on knowledge and innovation. These are also the mainbeneficiaries of EU funds. This raises the question of how these funds are used, whether and to what extent they contribute to building an economy based on knowledge and innovation, and to what extentthey aimed at satisfying only the current needs. Cohesion policy funds are allocated regionally. Inorder to analyze the use of these funds by the company from Małopolska region, research has beenmade, primarily based on the database of the National Information System projects SIMIK 07-13 (asof 30.09.2012).Without modernization of industry it is not possible to achieve cohesion with the regions of theEuropean Union. Considerable resources are therefore directed to this purpose in the framework ofEU cohesion policy. Poland is currently the biggest beneficiary of that policy, with a strong priority inthe allocation of European funds for the development of a competitive knowledge-based economy andentrepreneurship.The vast majority of projects implemented by companies in Małopolska region with the support of EUfunding are innovative projects. Quantitatively, however, projects of smaller potential dominate in thisarea, such as projects to increase exports. What raises concerns is the fact that only a small numberof projects are to support the implementation of R&D results, the development of R&D activities inenterprises and cooperation between researchers and entrepreneurs.


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Author Biography

Dorota Murzyna, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie

Dorota Murzyn, Ph.D. in Political Science, MA in Economics, Senior Lecturer at the Institute ofPolitical Science, Pedagogical University of Cracow (Department of Economics and Economic Policy).Her research interests are: economic policy, European integration, EU cohesion policy. Member ofRegional Studies Association, Seaford, UK.


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How to Cite

Murzyna, D. (2013). The Use of EU Structural Funds in Companies of Małopolska region as a Factor in the Development of an Economy Based on Knowledge and Innovation. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 21, 253–267.