Renewable energy in the European Union in the context of economic crisis


  • Agnieszka Pach-Gurgul Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Katedra Międzynarodowych Stosunków Gospodarczych



energy security, economic crisis, renewable energy sources, energy-climate package, energy policy UE, Feed in Tariffs – FiT EU


Nowadays, the use of renewable energy in the European Union, as well as around the world seems to be unavoidable due to many factors. One of the main reasons are environmental benefits related to greenhouse gases emissions avoidance. Another very important result is the increase of the EU energy security through energy supplies diversification and the decentralization of production. Moreover, the use of renewable energy reduces the need for conventional raw materials such as oil, gas, or coal. The problem of depletion and regeneration of resources does not exist while using renewable energy sources. All these advantages are becoming increasingly important for the European Union, especially in times of rising prices of raw materials, often gas crises or economy decarbonisation process. Nevertheless, the economic crisis sparked a debate all across the European Union, on the costs related to electricity production from renewable energy sources. The fight against unemployment, public debt and the declining competitiveness of the EU economy, which is also connected with high electricity costs, forced a number of countries (even the leaders in the industry) to reduce support for these energy sources, which also caused the slowdown in their development.


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Author Biography

Agnieszka Pach-Gurgul, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Katedra Międzynarodowych Stosunków Gospodarczych

Agnieszka Pach-Gurgul, holds a Ph.D. title in Economic Sciences and is an assistant professor in theDepartment of International Economic Relations at the Cracow University of Economics. She is theauthor of the book entitled Single Electricity Market in the European Union in the Context of PolishEnergy Security and many academic articles and chapters in books, particularly concerning the followingtopics: changes in Polish and world power sector; energy security; European Union energy policy;the single energy market; and the challenges for contemporary ecological energy.


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How to Cite

Pach-Gurgul, A. (2014). Renewable energy in the European Union in the context of economic crisis. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 27, 130–147.