Industrial Use of Biomass in Poland. Conditions and Barriers


  • Krzysztof Sala Wydział Humanistyczny Instytut Politologii Katedra Ekonomii i Polityki Gospodarczej



biomass, industry, production, renewable energy, sustainable development


The purpose of the publication is to present the role of an alternative energy source which is the industrial use of biomass in Poland. The publication is based on openly available literature, statistical data, as well as on news netography. The article presents the concept of biomass and its role and specificity as an ecological fuel, including the definition of biomass by the European Union. The characteristics of the components of biomass with a focus on crops grown for energy purposes were presented. The publication also includes information on the current use of biomass in industry. It points out the benefits in terms of obtaining electricity, heat or the use of transport. The paper also identifies barriers and risks associated with the combustion of biomass. The data are illustrated with tables and graphs. The test method used in the publication is the analysis of existing data and writing criticism. On the basis of the available literature, netography and statistics, it is clear that biomass plays an important role in the energy industry in Poland. However, one should be aware of its specificity as an energy feedstock. The publication presenting the analysis of statistical data and materials available on the use of biomass evaluates the current situation and attempts to assess the future of biomass as a raw material in industry in Poland.


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Author Biography

Krzysztof Sala, Wydział Humanistyczny Instytut Politologii Katedra Ekonomii i Polityki Gospodarczej

Krzysztof Sala, Ph.D., Research Assistant, Institute of Political Science Pedagogical University of Cracow. He has graduated of International Economic Relations (specialisation European Studies) at the Cracow University of Economics (MA) with a paper entitled Implementation of the policy of sustainable development in the Nordic countries, postgraduate studies in the field of quality management and environmental protection at School of Management and Banking in Krakow and the College of Management and Finance School of Economics in Warsaw, leading to a doctoral degree in economic sciences for the thesis New types of tourism as a manifestation of postmodern consumer behavior in Poland. He is experienced in business, including managerial positions. He has experience in research and academic work gained at public and private universities. The main areas of his interest include economic policy and tourism of Poland and European Union, entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized businesses, and strategic management.


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How to Cite

Sala, K. (2017). Industrial Use of Biomass in Poland. Conditions and Barriers. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 31(4), 148–156.

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