Academic Identity of Researchers Investigating the Location of Business Entities


  • Kazimierz Kuciński Warsaw School of Economics Department of Economic Geography



academic identity, analysis, business entity, interdisciplinarity, location, theory


The issue of the location of economic entities, which is crucial for economic geography, is becoming the object of ever more thorough analyses undertaken by the growing number of various academic disciplines, and especially those included in economic sciences, which paradoxically initiated this trend of research. This results from the cognitive interests of these disciplines, but also the needs of economic practice related to the perception of the complexity of conditions and the implications of the location of economic entities and its significance for their competitiveness. Each of the disciplines studying this issue does it a bit differently, and the analyses they make are a function of the academic identity of the researchers who conduct them. It is institutionally conditioned and determined by their education and practical experience, while the dynamically treated location theory plays a crucial role in its formation. However, the question remains whether the academic identity of the researchers of the location of economic entities shaped around this theory should be complex, nomadic or explicitly defined, and how the postulate of interdisciplinary investigation of location issues should be understood in this context.


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Author Biography

Kazimierz Kuciński, Warsaw School of Economics Department of Economic Geography

Kazimierz Kuciński, professor, Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Economic Geography, full professor, a graduate of the Faculty of Production Economics at the Warsaw School of Planning and Statistics/ Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), since 1972 a member of its research and teaching staff who specialises in economic geography. He received his doctorate in 1976, obtained his habilitation in 1989, and since 1998 he has been a professor of economic sciences. In the years 1994–2006 he was the director of the Institute of Functioning of the National Economy at Warsaw School of Economics, and since 2006 he has been the head of the Department of Economic Geography at this university. The subject of his research interests is the theory of economic geography, location of enterprises and regional development. He deals with the processes of globalisation and glocalisation, especially regarding the research field of geography of industry and geography of population. Recently, he has devoted particular attention to the methodology of economic sciences with particular emphasis on the way in which spatial aspects of economy and management are studied.


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How to Cite

Kuciński, K. (2018). Academic Identity of Researchers Investigating the Location of Business Entities. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 32(4), 6–21.