Innovativeness of Polish industry against the global industry


  • Waldemar Gajda Warszawska Szkoła Zarządzania – Szkoła Wyższa



barriers, innovation, industry, sources


The main purpose of this article is an attempt to assess the innovation of the Polish industry against the global industry. The analysis method was used in the research. The achievement of economic thought relating to innovation starting from Smith’s concept to Oslo methodology was presented in this article. The level of innovation of the Polish economy was determined with the use of statistical methods as well as indirect indicators based on the research and development intensity and direct indicators based on the results of product, process, organizational and marketing innovations. Subsequently, innovative activeness, innovative activity spending as well as revenue from sale of new products of small-, medium- and large-sized Polish enterprises were analyzed. The results were evaluated and compared with the world economy. Determinants of innovative activity of Polish industry entities indicating sources, main barriers and recommendations were determined in the conclusion on the basis of the conducted analyses and evaluations.


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Author Biography

Waldemar Gajda, Warszawska Szkoła Zarządzania – Szkoła Wyższa

Waldemar Gajda, Ph.D. in economics – Ph.D. thesis defended at the Szczecin University, doctoralstudies at the Faculty of Management and Economics Services, master studies at the Faculty of Transportand Communications. His dissertation was awarded Main Prize of the Minister of Transport,Construction and Maritime Economy for the best doctoral thesis in the competition for the best tenure,master, BSc thesis concerning transport. Associate professor at the Warsaw School of Management –Academy. Member of the School Senate. Member of the Polish Economic Society, the Association ofScientific Organization and Leadership (Polish abbreviation TNOiK) – multiannual president of theresearch club operating on the WSM – HS. He focuses his main interests and scientific efforts on the issues of the operation of business entities, including especially management taking into considerationidentification and proper usage of the instruments determining operation and development of enterprises,creation of models of development based on the endogenic and exogenic instruments appearing inthe market economy. Author of numerous scientific articles at national and international conferences.He conducts his own scientific research and actively participates in research realized by his homeuniversity.


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How to Cite

Gajda, W. (2015). Innovativeness of Polish industry against the global industry. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 29(1), 42–55.