The Impact of FDI on Gross Value Added in Host Country with Particular Emphasis on Manufacturing Sector


  • Liwiusz Wojciechowski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Wydział Ekonomii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Katedra Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji



cointegration, FDI, manufacturing sector, VECM


The impact of Foreign Direct Investment on economic growth in host economies has been widely researched however empirical results are still inconclusive. There exist numerous attempts to estimate the effects of FDI on the host economy in terms of economic growth, improvement of resource efficiency utilizing, employment and wages growth, transfer of knowledge and technology. This study complies with new trend that assume that the impact of the presence of FDI on the economy should be analyzed on sector, industry or even firm level, which allows for a more accurate estimates in individual cases instead of presenting net effect at the macroeconomic level. In the study we decided to check on the example of Polish economy to what extent the effects of the presence of FDI in the manufacturing sector are similar to those at the macro level. We use for this purpose the annual data for the years 1997-2012, and time series modeling techniques, taking into account OLS regression, stationarity tests and cointegration. The obtained results indicate the importance of the presence of foreign capital for the economy as well as the manufacturing where a noticeable relationship is stronger in the second case. Not without significance is the fact that the positive effects of FDI occure in case of the economy after 2 periods, and in the case of manufacturing in one period. Cointegration tests confirmed the existence of a long-term relationship between FDI in the economy (in the sector) and GVA in the economy (in the sector).


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Author Biography

Liwiusz Wojciechowski, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Wydział Ekonomii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Katedra Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji

Liwiusz Wojciechowski, Ms.C., Ph.D. student, Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economicsand International Relations, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is Ph.D. studentat the Cracow University of Economics. Ms.C. in International Finance and Banking and ComputerScience and Econometrics, the autor or coauthor of 11 scientific articles in journales, chapters in booksand conference papers, participant of international research project (Patterns of Business Internationalizationin Visegrad Countries – In Search for Regional Specifics) and scholarships ERASMUS (Slovakia),TFAS (Czech Republic).


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How to Cite

Wojciechowski, L. (2016). The Impact of FDI on Gross Value Added in Host Country with Particular Emphasis on Manufacturing Sector. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 30(1), 143–158.