Transformations in car industry in Poland in the years of changes of the economic conditions


  • Piotr Lizak Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii



przemysł samochodowy, Polska, zmiany


The subject of this work is to present the process of forming car industry in Poland and the influence of the current economic crisis on its shape and condition. The aim of the work is to indicate changes that are observed in the current structure of the Polish automotive industry.The article presents changes of the spatial structure of automotive industry in Poland in years 1918−2009. In the second part, an issue of the influence of the current economic crisis on general condition of the automotive industry in Poland is described. Moreover, the causes of changes of the spatial structure of the Polish automotive industry (resulting from the global economic crisis) are indicated and analyzed.


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How to Cite

Lizak, P. (2011). Transformations in car industry in Poland in the years of changes of the economic conditions. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 17, 164–176.