Transfer of Human Capital from the Multinational Service Centres and the Competitiveness of MSME in the West-Pomeranian Region


  • Katarzyna Łobacz University of Szczecin
  • Piotr Niedzielski University of Szczecin, Faculty of Management and Economics of Services



competitiveness, innovativeness, MSME, service centres, spillovers, transfer of human capital, transfer of knowledge


Poland is currently at the forefront of places in Central and Eastern Europe, where international service centres are located. This shows the importance of analysing the impact they have on the development of the Polish economy. One of the important effects resulting from the presence of service centres is the flow of knowledge, including its transfer to the MSME sector - knowledge, which plays an increasingly important role in the process of shaping competitiveness, both in micro- and macroeconomic terms. The aim of the article is therefore to analyse the interactions between service centres with international coverage and smaller entities operating in local economies. Particular emphasis was placed on the flow of hidden knowledge resulting from the transfer of human capital between service centres and micro-, small- and medium enterprises located in the West Pomeranian region. The study uses quantitative research conducted in the years 2013-2016 on a representative sample of companies in the region. The research results indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between the variables studied. They show that companies whose owners or employees have work experience in international service centres exhibit a more dynamic growth in turnover and bring more new products to the market. This has an impact on the competitiveness of these entities, also at the international arena.


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Author Biographies

Katarzyna Łobacz, University of Szczecin

Katarzyna Łobacz, PhD, University of Szczecin, Faculty of Management and Economics of Services, Department of Innovation and Information Technologies. University professor, author of publications, especially in the field of innovation, knowledge transfer and commercialisation, academic entrepreneurship, competence- based development; manager of numerous research projects; strongly oriented on practical applications of knowledge through expertise works, development of centres supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, development of students carrier pathways, etc.

Piotr Niedzielski, University of Szczecin, Faculty of Management and Economics of Services

Piotr Niedzielski, PhD/professor, University of Szczecin, Faculty of Management and Economics of Services. University professor, experienced in research, especially in the field of service innovation, investment project appraisal, innovation in the TSL sector; experienced in consultancy and commercialisation of knowledge with strong focus on regional development; experienced in small and big organisation management (CEO in numerous companies, Head of Schools).


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How to Cite

Łobacz, K. ., & Niedzielski, P. . (2019). Transfer of Human Capital from the Multinational Service Centres and the Competitiveness of MSME in the West-Pomeranian Region. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 33(3), 70–84.