Theoretical Foundations of Integration and Globality in Terms of Sustainable Development Management


  • Franciszek Piontek WSB University of Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland



deregulation, development, development management, globality, integration, rules of universal operation


Addressing the subject of the paper is justified by views on negating the need for theory and the globalist paradigm of deregulation. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate:
- that integration and globality can be deregulated;
- that it generates negative consequences for sustainable development management;
- how to define theoretical and institutional foundations for these categories.
The hypothesis is: Integration and globality require clearly defined criteria for their understanding and functioning. The components of the Constitution of the World rather than the paradigm of deregulation (YES = NO = CAN BE) are the basis for such criteria. The theoretical and institutional foundations of the understanding and functioning of integration and globality were defined. A synthetic conclusion is U. Beck’s reflection on “the formula (...) of the transnational economy: (...) deliberately not conquering. It is deprived of violence, implicit, deliberate abandonment, it neither requires consent nor it can count on it” (Beck, 2005: 88).


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Author Biography

Franciszek Piontek, WSB University of Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland

Franciszek Piontek, full professor in the Department of Management at the University of Dąbrowa Górnicza. The title of associate professor in 1983, and full professor in 1989. Member of the Environmental Council of the President of the Republic of Poland 1993–1995; expert of the Parliamentary Committee on Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry (1999–2001). Honorary Academician of the Belarusian Academy of Engineering in 2000; expert in the International Directory of Experts and Expertise as an Expert in Development Management by the American Biographical Institute, Inc. (USA 2006). The title of the Doctor Honoris Causa (2008). Research on the theory of development, management of the development, in the category of efficiency, economic policy, sozoeconomic calculation, and management instruments. Publications: 280 publications (individual and as a co-author and editor), including 35 books.


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How to Cite

Piontek, F. . (2019). Theoretical Foundations of Integration and Globality in Terms of Sustainable Development Management. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 33(4), 9–25.