Execution of the Tasks of Geotourism in the Post-Mining Objects and Sites as the Way for Using and Promoting Former Industrial and Mining Facilities


  • Malwina Kobylańska KGHM CUPRUM Ltd. Research and Development Centre Geological Department
  • Marek W. Lorenc Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences The Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy Institute of Landscape Architecture




geotourism, industrial facilities, mining heritage, post­‑exploitation sites, post­‑mining objects


Each geotourist venture should be related to the creation of a tourist product from the geological or post-mining object. This preparation to tourist traffic through the adaptation or making the object available to visitors is the primary objective which implies the series of different tasks. These tasks of geotourism, in post-mining objects and sites - the special type of cultural heritage resources, are presented in the paper.
Execution of each task was discussed on the basis of different examples of development of post-exploitation sites all over the world, e.g. in Spain, Poland, Germany, England, and Australia. The form and scope of the geotourist tasks execution formed the base for the authors for the assessment of selected development practices, as well as the definition of application guidelines introduced in this paper. All tasks facing geotourism based on former industrial and mining facilities should form a coherent whole, covering the economic (profitability), ecological (neutrality) and socio-cultural aspect (social justice), and thus fit in the concept of sustainable development in tourism. These pillars should be treated equally, because only their reasonable combination has the chance to result in the creation and development of sustainable tourism.


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Author Biographies

Malwina Kobylańska, KGHM CUPRUM Ltd. Research and Development Centre Geological Department

Malwina Kobylańska, PhD, Eng, an assistant professor at the Geological Department at KGHM CUPRUM Ltd. Research and Development Centre, where she deals with technical and economic assessments of geological and mining projects for the purpose of evaluations for the investment involvement of KGHM Polska Miedź SA and monitoring of the global non­‑ferrous metals sector. For many years she has been involved in works related to the development of mining heritage objects for geotourist purposes. In 2015, she obtained a PhD from the Wrocław University of Technology in the Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, specialising in environmental protection and utilisation of mining heritage.

Marek W. Lorenc, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences The Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy Institute of Landscape Architecture

Marek W. Lorenc, DSc, a professor at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, Poland, where, between 2008 and 2012, he has been vice­‑dean of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, responsible for the Landscape Architecture field of study. He has more than 45 years of experience in geology and has published and lectured extensively in this field. His graduates in the period 2005–2018 include 3 doctors, 85 masters, 57 graduates and 22 engineers. He is a founding partner of a European Network of Mining Heritage Europamines Ltd., International Association of Geotourism, Scientific and Educational Association “Terra Minera”, as well as an Honorary Member of the Spanish Association Colectivo Projecto Arrayanes. He is particularly interested in the mining heritage and problems of source­‑material for reconstruction of stone monuments.


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How to Cite

Kobylańska, M. ., & Lorenc, M. W. . (2019). Execution of the Tasks of Geotourism in the Post-Mining Objects and Sites as the Way for Using and Promoting Former Industrial and Mining Facilities. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 33(4), 241–259. https://doi.org/10.24917/20801653.334.15