Assessment of the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic on the situation in the automotive industry in Poland


  • Karolina Stojczew Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu



automotive industry, COVID-19, COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturing


The automotive industry is one of the main branches of the Polish economy, with a large share in generating gross value added and maintaining jobs. The COVID-19 pandemic still has a negative impact on the automotive industry, which before the pandemic was already burdened with numerous restrictions regarding, among others, limitation of exhaust emissions, thanks to EU directives. The size of the losses will depend on the scenario of the virus spreading in Poland, as well as the effectiveness of the remedial actions taken. The aim of the study is to present the main changes taking place due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, extended by the analysis of the production of motorcycles. The subject of the research are companies operating in the automotive industry. The time range was determined by the duration of the pandemic and mainly covers the year 2020, however, in order to present a reliable picture of the entire automotive industry, the data is also referenced to the period before the pandemic, i.e. 2018-2019. Based on the available statistical data, an analysis of the existing situation was carried out, initially estimating the level of losses in the industry and the employee remuneration structure. The current situation on the market was also assessed in terms of the changes and the adopted corrective solutions.


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Author Biography

Karolina Stojczew, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu

Karolina Stojczew, MA, PhD student at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in the Department of Regional Economy. Her academic interests focus on the issues of the development of innovation, research and development in the automotive industry, with particular emphasis on Poland compared to other European Union countries. Research interests coincide with professional work in one of the operating companies in the automotive industry.


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How to Cite

Stojczew, K. . (2021). Assessment of the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic on the situation in the automotive industry in Poland. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 35(2), 64–84.