The issue of office building development in post-industrial areas based on the example of the office building concentration in Wrocław (Poland), Strzegomska Street and Muchoborska Street




business district, office buildings, Muchoborska Street, Strzegomska Street, Wrocław (Poland)


Changes in the industry and an increase in the meaning of services and the financial sector causes the temporary working environment to be strongly connected with offices. Therefore, office buildings and their concentrations are the main workplace in our cities. The aim of the article is to examine a business district based on the example of office building concentration in the vicinity of Strzegomska and Muchoborska Street in Wrocław (Poland). Spatial changes and the process of new urban tissue development are analysed. Functional and spatial structure of office building concentration in Wrocław is also investigated. Comparative analysis of historical data, spatial documents, and urban inventory are used as research method. Spatial identification and knowledge about office building concentration development are the main results. The conversion of post-industrial area into business district could be a solution to urban revitalisation and creation of a new city space.


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Author Biography

Anna Kierzkowska, Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Anna Kierzkowska, PhD Eng., Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Town Planning and Settlement Processes. Anna Kierzkowska has graduated from spatial planning at the Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture. Subsequently, she successfully finished her PhD studies at the same university. Her PhD thesis concerned ‘Office building concentrations in European cities’. During her PhD studies, she had internships at universities in Trondheim (Norway), Bologna (Italy) and Warsaw (Poland). She also participated in many national and international conferences and trainings. Anna Kierzkowska has experience as a designer in various urban offices. She is a co-author of urban projects on a local and regional level.


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How to Cite

Kierzkowska, A. (2021). The issue of office building development in post-industrial areas based on the example of the office building concentration in Wrocław (Poland), Strzegomska Street and Muchoborska Street. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 35(1), 56–71.