Sharing economy business models in the context of social groups operating in cyberspace


  • Anna Irena Szymańska Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Zarządzania, Katedra Handlu i Instytucji Rynkowych



business models, covert participant observation, internet groups, internet platforms, passive observation, sharing economy, social groups


The idea of sharing economy is associated with the provision of goods, information or skills by some people to other people on a non-profit, profit or barter basis using virtual tools adapted for this purpose. Actions taken in the area of sharing economy are highly diversified, which is reflected in different ways of classifying sharing economy business models. Assuming the area of sharing as the model classification crite- rion, four categories can be distinguished: recirculation of goods, increasing the use of fixed assets, exchange of services and making production assets available. The mentioned criterion and the classification based on it became the basis for further analyses and empirical research. The aim of this article was to analyse the functioning of virtual groups that operate within social networking sites. This made it possible to confirm the following thesis: virtual groups, performing similar functions to sharing economy internet platforms, operate on the basis of specific business models, with the difference that they do not charge for access and for enabling relationships between transaction partners. The article also attempts to identify the key features of sharing economy business models characteristic of social groups operating in cyberspace. The research used the triangulation method (literature analysis, passive observation and covert participant observation).


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Author Biography

Anna Irena Szymańska, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Zarządzania, Katedra Handlu i Instytucji Rynkowych

Anna Irena Szymańska: Ph.D., assistant professor, Cracow University of Economics, Institute of Management, Department of Trade and Market Institutions. Her research interests are related to the issue of consumer needs, preferences and market behaviour, collaborative consumption and other forms of access-based con- sumption, new trends in consumption and their implications for business strategies, as well as issues in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation with particular emphasis on the SME sector and circular economy


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How to Cite

Szymańska, A. I. . (2021). Sharing economy business models in the context of social groups operating in cyberspace. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 35(3), 62–75.

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